Further Reading
The Non-Catholic
Cemetery in Rome. Its history, its people and its survival for
300 years.
Nicholas Stanley-Price, Non-Catholic
Cemetery in Rome, 2014.
Drawing on extensive new research, early travel accounts and images of
the Cemetery in paintings and photos, the most up-to-date account
of its history and of the people buried there.
Read more here
Der Nicht-katholische Friedhof in Rom. Seine
Geschichte, seine Persönlichkeiten und sein Überleben seit 300
Jahren. Nicholas Stanley-Price. Aus dem Englischen von Katrin Marburger. Nicht-katholischer Friedhof in Rom, 2016
Die aktuellste Darstellung der Geschichte des Friedhofs und der dort begrabenen Persönlichkeiten – auf der Grundlage umfangreicher neuer Forschungen, früher Reiseberichte und Bilder des Friedhofs. Weitere
Informationen hier www.cemeteryrome.it/Stanley-PriceBuch.html
The Protestant Cemetery
in Rome: the cemetery
of artists and poets.
Johan Beck-Friis, Malmö:
Allhems Förlag, 1956.
standard brief illustrated
history of the Cemetery,
with a list of notable graves.
Frequently reprinted
with minor additions,
it is available in German,
Italian and English editions.
Protestant Cemetery in
Rome: the "Parte
edited by
Antonio Menniti Ippolito
and Paolo Vian,
Roma: Unione
Internazionale degli Istituti
di Archeologia, Storia
e Storia dell'Arte in Roma,
The result of
an intensive research project
into the Parte Antica
by the British and Swedish
institutes in Rome. Most
of the volume is in English,
with the two main chapters
on the early history
of the Cemetery in Italian
and German.
della Piramide: storia
e interpretazione
del Cimitero acattolico
di Roma
Wolfgang Krogel,
Roma: Unione internazionale
degli istituti di archeologia
storia e storia dell'arte
in Roma, 1995.
most detailed account of
the development of the Cemetery
in its wider historical context,
drawing upon archives
in Rome and a wide range
of published sources.
piramide di Caio
Cestio e il cimitero
acattolico del
Di Meo, Roma: Palombi editori,
A historical
study of the Pyramid and
Cemetery in the context of
attitudes towards death,
richly illustrated by contemporary
engravings and paintings
of both monuments.
of the Friends of the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome (Newsletter)
Quarterly newsletter describing how the Cemetery is cared for, and with short
articles on its history and on interesting people buried there.
The titles listed
above are available
at the Visitors’ Centre
of the Cemetery. Enquiries
to: visitorcentre@cemeteryrome.it
Stanley-Price, See Rome – and die. Legacies of the Grand
Tour in a Roman cemetery. In The legacy of the Grand Tour:
new essays on travel, literature, and culture
(ed. Lisa Colletta), Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2016,
An analysis of their tomb inscriptions, early travellers’ accounts and genealogical
data suggests that at least fifteen of the graves in the Old Cemetery (Parte
Antica) were of young men who died in Rome while on the Grand Tour.
P.M. Barone, K.J. Swanger, N. Stanley-Price and A. Thursfield.
Finding graves in a cemetery: Preliminary forensic GPR investigations
in the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome (Italy), Measurement 80
(2016) 53–57.
Preliminary report on a survey of the Old Cemetery (the Parte
Antica) using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) to detect unmarked
graves and other subsurface features that influence management
are They Buried?
Nicholas Stanley-Price, Astene Bulletin 61: Autumn 2014
Brief notes on some of those buried in the
Cemetery who were associated in
some way with Egypt or Egyptology, published in the Bulletin of the Association for Study
of Travel in Egypt and the Near East.
Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome:
Management and Stone Conservation
Nicholas Stanley-Price, Heritage Consultant
Amanda Thursfield, Director, Non-Catholic Cemetery
Rome (Italy)
de la Pierre dans
les parcs, jardins et cimetières/
Conservation of stone in Parks, Gardens and Cemeteries
(eds. M. Stefanaggi et V. Vergès-Belmin)
14es journées
d’étude de la
Institut national du patrimoine, 22-24 juin 2011, Paris 2011,
Article summarizing the current management policies of the cemetery
as of 2011.
short history of the making of the Rémillard Angel
Douglas Stephens
account, written specially for this website, of the making
of a replica
of Wm. Wetmore Storys Angel
of Grief sculpture puts into perspective what Story achieved
in Rome in 1894-95.
My favourite...spot in Rome
Nicholas Stanley-Price, e-dialogos · Annual
digital journal on research in Conservation and Cultural Heritage · n
2 · August
A short account
of the significance and conservation of the Cemetery, part
of a series by invited authors on "My favourite..."
recently published articles by Christina Huemer (†)
eighteenth-century artist's funeral at the Protestant Cemetery in
Christina Huemer,
Storia dell'Arte n.125/126 (n.s. 25/26), 2010, 171-181 
Publishes the contemporary description and
drawing of the night funeral of the Swedish painter Jonas Akerström
in 1795. Thomas
Cole's View of the Protestant Burying Ground, Rome (1832-1833)
at Olana
Christina Huemer,
In Crossings. Ponti sull'Atlantico. Testi
in ricordo di Regina Soria (ed. F.M.Fales).
Naples: Liquori, 2011, 103-108
Describes Cole’s view of the Cemetery and
the subsequent history of his painting. Sculpture in the Non-Catholic Cemetery of Rome
Christina Huemer,
Final English draft text written by the author in 2007, published
in Italian as:
La scultura nel Cimitero acattolico di Roma, in Lo
splendore della forma. La scultura negli spazi della memoria (a cura di Mauro Felicori
e Franco Sborgi). Bologna: Luca Sosselli editore, 2012, 204-214
a selection of the Cemetery’s more
notable sculptures in the context of the Cemetery’s history (for
the illustrations, see the published Italian version, also posted
here as
a pdf)