Questo nuovo libro spiega:
chi è stato sepolto qui con annotazioni per oltre 300 di loro, tra diplomatici e ballerini, scultori e marinai, con un indice per poterne localizzare la tomba.
Il volume contiene più di 80 illustrazioni, molte delle quali poco conosciute e svariate inedite; cinque mappe appositamente disegnate. Fonti per le dichiarazioni espresse
nel testo e bibliografia possono essere trovate QUI.
Nicholas Stanley-Price, con formazione accademica di storico, ha
lavorato prevalentemente nella gestione del patrimonio culturale
e negli studi superiori. È membro del Comitato Consultivo del Cimitero
e responsabile della sua Newsletter trimestrale. Vive a Roma.
Il libro può essere acquistato presso il Centro Visitatori del
Cimitero, Via Caio Cestio 6, 00153 Roma, oppure online
tramite PayPal. Specificate di voler questa edizione dal menu delle
tariffe postali sotto. Se e’ in possesso di un codice fiscale vogliate comunicarlo
al seguente indirizzo email ornella.forte@cemeteryrome.it. Grazie.
Tutto il ricavato dalla vendita di questo libro andrà a beneficio del Cimitero Acattolico.

Nicholas Stanley-Price, Der Nicht-katholische Friedhof in Rom. Seine Geschichte, seine Persönlichkeiten und sein Überleben seit 300 Jahren, aus dem Englischen von Katrin Marburger, Roma (Cimitero Acattolico di Roma) 2016.
Recensione di Carolin Kosuch, in Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken" (QFIAB) 97 (2017), pp. 603-4, pubblicata dal Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma. [pdf]
“delightfully illustrated,
packed with fascinating information, and handsomely produced”
… one of the most magical places in the
world: the burial-ground which used to be known as the Cimitero degli
Inglesi, but, filled as it is by many dead bodies of other than English
origins, is now known as the ‘Non-Catholic Cemetery’ (Cimitero Acattolico).
[… ] The author, Stanley-Price, is a member of the Cemetery’s Advisory
Committee, and edits the Newletter of the Friends of the Cemetery. He
has done a splendid job, and his book is delightfully illustrated (sometimes
in colour), packed with fascinating information, and handsomely produced.
My only quibble is regret it could not have been published as a hardback,
as the contents deserve something more substantial than thin card (albeit
attractively decorated).
From a review by Professor James Stevens Curl,
noted architectural historian and authority on funerary monuments
(The Victorian Celebration of Death, Sutton Publishing, 2004). Published
in: Church Monuments: Journal of the Church Monuments Society xxix
(2014), 182-3.
“a gem”
The guide-history written by Stanley-Price is a gem. It ranks with the late
Leonard Boyle’s book on the Basilica of San Clemente as one of the best books
in Rome dedicated to a single site. Wonderful work!
written in the Cemetery’s Visitors’ Book on 12 July 2014 by Br. Charles Hilken,
Professor of Byzantine and Renaissance History, St Mary’s College, CA, USA. Go thou to Rome
I was in Rome in September re-visiting the Cemetery and was pleased to find that a new book about the cemetery by Nicholas Stanley-Price has recently been published. In it Mr Stanley-Price charts the history of the cemetery from the first known burial on 1716 through to the present day and the vision of the trustees for its future. The book is extremely informative and readable, lavishly illustrated in colour with maps, prints and paintings, many of which have not previously been published, and photographs of many of the memorials. It charts the origins and expansion of the cemetery, gives accounts of some of the funerals and burials of the people who came to Rome, many for the benefit of their health, who died there and are buried in the cemetery.
Extract from review by John St Brioc Hooper in Mausolus. The Newsletter of the Mausolea and Monuments Trust, Winter 2014, p.4 Roma, il Cimitero protestante in un libro
più lo conoscono solo per la presenza dei celebri monumenti
ai poeti Percy Shelley e John Keats, ma il piccolo Cimitero Acattolico
di Roma, noto anche come Cimitero protestante, nasconde tra le
sue mura quasi trecento anni di storia: storia che viene ora raccontata
in un libro.
Evangelici.net http://www.evangelici.net/notizie/1400286261.html Book review: The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome Three centuries of history are skilfully recounted in this new book by
historian Nicholas Stanley-Price. The author sheds light on many
little known aspects of this unique site – its foundation on unconsecrated
land outside the city walls to contain the remains of non-Catholic
foreigners, like Protestant members of the exiled Stuart court in Rome
and aristocrats who died during their Grand Tour, insights into the
lives and personalities of many of the people buried there, the difficulties
of maintenance and restoration and its present management organization.
The Italian Insider, May 5, 2014
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