The Graves in Rome of John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley
Published by the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, 2020. 44 pp. ISBN 978-88-909168-3-0. €10.00

The graves of John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley continue to attract admirers of their poetry from all over the world.

This booklet celebrates the bicentenaries of the two poets’ deaths in 2021 and 2022. It explains why their graves are where they are and why, despite their being greatly revered, many visitors thought them ‘neglected’. In fact, the grave of Keats was nearly deliberately demolished.

This account is richly illustrated with paintings and photographs, many of them little known and several not previously published.

All proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome.

Also published in Italian.

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Also on sale at the Visitors’ Centre at the Cemetery
Via Caio Cestio 6, 00153 Roma.

Nicholas Stanley-Price has published extensively about the history of the cemetery while also serving as a member since 2006 of its Advisory Committee.
He lives in Rome.